Did Maxim conned our beloved female WC3/DOTA darling?
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Hiya all, this is 1st post after the birth of DOTA SG. Although this is not directly related to DOTA gaming, however I feel that we should help to stand up by our coolest and most Kawaii WC3/DOTA female gamer, aLt)PPG. Her photos appeared on Maxim mag that is sold throughout SG this month, however her account is that she and her advert agency did not allowed the magazine to use it at all.
Damn, I think that magazine is downright scum if what she said is really true.
Let's all pray hard that Maxim will get their deserved punishment for what they had done to her.
posted by DotaSG_PaPa at 8:29 PM