Good News First? Or Bad News First?
Monday, August 29, 2005
Good news is, there is a new DOTA compy round the corner after Singapore's WCG National Final. Bad news is that this compy guess it right, it's version 5.84C. WHY, WHY, WHY!?!?!?!
The tourney should start to move in directions of DOTA 6.X versions after WCG 2005 National Final. DOTA gamers should evolve and embrace DOTA 6.X and not stay stagnant on lower end food chain waiting to be prey on. If we still do not move on, we will be left behind in the 6.X player's dust trails.
Still don't understand what I mean? Layman's term is"PLEASE MOVE ON TO DOTA 6.X or LATER!!!!!!!!!!" for crying out loud.
Anyway here's the information about HQ's DOTA 5.84C tournament.
Quoted from Focusplay,
"Headquarters will be running a DOTA competition this coming Oct.
Tournament Details
1st prize: $1000 + 100 free hours per team
2nd prize: $500 + 50 free hours per team
3rd prize: $200 + 20 free hours per team
Competition Dates: 9, 16, 23 & 30 October 2005 (Sundays)
Finals will be held on 6 November 2005"
Read HERE for more details.[Focusplay]
posted by DotaSG_PaPa at 11:33 PM